Friday, January 13, 2012
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Sucking Up is Difficult
I swear I would never do it again. Tried to suck up my boss today ahahahhaha... having a casual lunch with her.. and casually asking for a time off.. and granted casually... definitely makes me feels like shit.
Next time if I need another time off I'll just walk to her and ask for it. I'm so terrible at doing suck up. Feeling awkward too.. Definitely not in my blood.
Ishh.. I wonder how my workmate able to do this sucking up 2 yrs without fail ahahhahahha..
Posted by
12:36 PM
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Social courtesy - I don't get it
I really don't. Its a habit nowadays that whenever you see a friend, you would hug your friend and then kiss both cheeks. It goes to girl friends, even male friends. I'm not broad minded? Fine. Hear my reasoning.
- Being friendly - There are so many other way of being friendly without any skin contact. I would kill those who is being 'friendly' to my hubby like that. Literally kill them.
- Show affection - Do you show affection to every single friend that you have? Seriously you're that affectionate?
- A very close friend - Do you hug your family when you sees them? Family is supposed to be the closest person to you, but if you're only hug your friend because you're very close...
So I'm done. So people, I'm not that friendly, affectionate and that close to you anyway so just f**k off. I don't like this so called friendly gesture. Buzz Off!!
PS : Does not apply to my girl friends and my hubby. Hug me all you want coz I do love you all so much!
Posted by
9:36 PM
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ada Masalah ...?
Semalam lepas hantar mak ke KLIA untuk mengerjakan Umrah, aku terus gi kerja. Dari subang aku masuk ke federal pas2 nak gi NKVE. Simpang dari federal masuk ke jalan airport lama, ada satu road block ... sib baik aku pakai handsfree masa tu, masalahnya... aku tak pakai 'seat belt'. Dah laa seat belt kereta ni, kena tarik slow2 kalau tak takleh nak tarik... sampai depan tu, memang sah aku kena tahan. Aku pun tak tau kat mana polis tu menyorok belakang pokok mana. Nak di pendekan cite:-
polis : Encik nie pakai handsfree dah bagus.. tapi tak pakai seat belt. Bahaya nie...
aku , senyum kambing jek...
polis : So, camana nie?
aku , senyum kambing jek...
polis : Sebelum saya nak saman encik, saya nak tanya sket.. Ada masalah tak kalau kena saman?
aku : Saya takde masalah cik... cuma masalah nak bayar jek.
polis : pasal tu saya tanya awak sebelum saya saman awak...
aku : .............................?
WTF?! sapa takde masalah kena saman....?! meh sini pinjam duit... sib baik dia lepaskan aku. Kalau tak mana aku nak korek RM300... wahhahaha..
Posted by
5:11 PM
Monday, March 2, 2009
MPOC 7-8th Mach (masalah2)
Shocker down...
etek down...
PMR down ...
PM6 down...
PM8 down..
5 out 7 Marker down.. Camana nie?!
** no more sharing laa... nanti susah plak.
Posted by
4:45 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Siapa paling POWER antara kalian? (Part 2)
Masa zaman2 gila MUDing.... Si beltriz hantar aku log file nie. Dia suruh aku translate dari BM ke english.. huhu.. imagine camana aku translate 'carut2' semua tu...
bodoh = idiot
balik kampung = go back home
p****t = pussy?!
taik = shit
b***h = ??!
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'darklord kedua'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'power power'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'tipu?'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'pehh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'dari dulu tipu aku'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'suma orang ko cakap suka tipu'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'aku tau pon, konon2 tak tipu'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'taring pon ko cakap suka tipu'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'aku cakap ko sorang jer tipu'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
The Town Crier leaves down.
The knight leaves down.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'lancau'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'apa yg taring tipu?'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
the stray dog has arrived from below.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'ko la cakap dia suka tipu'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'dia sound aku'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'heh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'taik'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Your eyes stop tingling.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 3 drinks clear water from a polished flagon.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'orang lama macam taring pon pakai eq cikai'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 3 drinks clear water from a polished flagon.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > qua potYou quaff a yellow potion of see invisible.
Your eyes tingle.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'suma tempat tau'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'pastu ko pake power2 plak/'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'tak kisah pon'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'butus sungguh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'dah aku gi amik sendirik'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'apa tak puas ati?'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'aku kalo eq power2 pon ape yg ko susah?'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'apa yg ko tak puas ati?'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'bukan aku buat jahat kat ko pon'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'ko gak mintak kat aku'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'aku tak kaco ko'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'dah tuh aku pon tulun gak'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'pening bodoh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
The knight has arrived from below.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'sana mintak sini mintak'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
the stray dog leaves down.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'eq power power plak tu'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'ko pening ape salahkan aku plak'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'god tanya aku nak jawab apa'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'lancau betui'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'dah tuh..ada ke orang nak yg tak powr'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'pastu nak suruh jual murah'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'macam sial'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 4 says, 'uishhh....aper ler ko sakse...btul gak tuh....ader point'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'aritu aku jual shaman belt 2 juta pon svartee sound'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'hehe..seme orang cakap ko jual mahal'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'bodoh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'dah god suruh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'heh..orang jual dua juta god tak sound pon'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'pi balik tido la'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'ko la gi balik tido'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'butuh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'lancau'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'nanti meh cakap sama god'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 4 pats you on your head.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'kalo orang tak kaco ko, ko jangan la gi aco orang'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 3 shakes his head.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'shaman belt brapa juta'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 4 tells you, 'oi jom jln2'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'aku kacau sapa?'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'ada kacau ko'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'ni dah la guna char aku buat gate nak gi titik darklord'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'butuh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 4 lies down and falls asleep.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'ko la butuh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
You are thirsty.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'aku takmo jadi musuh sesapa'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > tell chet nak tengokYou tell Person 4, 'nak tengok'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'darklord takda gate ko pon tada hal punya'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'pastu aku plak kena tuduh tulun hang'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'macam sial'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 4 tells you, 'sure tak abis nyer nih'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'dah tuh..kalo takde hal pesai guna aku?'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 4 awakens.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'orang seme cakap aku tulun ko'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > tell che aku log nieYou tell Person 4, 'aku log nie'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'dari eq nak eq power...tak kenang budi...suma ada'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'seme cakap aku cari pasal'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'pehhh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > tell che nak tunjuk epiYou tell Person 4, 'nak tunjuk epi'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'aku nak kawan ngan seme..takmo gadoh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 4 tells you, 'hehehhe'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'ni macam saja nak buat aku kena plak'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'hek eleh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > tell chet nanti aku bawak ko levelYou tell Person 4, 'nanti aku bawak ko level'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'macam tu takde alasan lak nak buat'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'heh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
The knight leaves down.
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > cast 'create food'You can't do this sitting!
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'sabun pon cakap'
stand808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > You stand up.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > cast 'create food'Okay.
You create a waybread.
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > eat wayYou eat the waybread.
You are full.
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > dri rainYou drink the water.
You don't feel thirsty any more.
You are full.
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'depan mata dia aku gate gi darklord'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'ko masuk terus slams'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'nak test sword free pon bukan main punya bangang alasan'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'butuh'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'aku tadak mana la buduh'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'gate tu pon tatau nak jawab'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'macam sial'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'apa kait mana plak?'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'bodo betui ko nih'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'kedai tak jual bag ka?'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'macam laa tak pernah rasa sword tuh'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'sapa bangag?'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'ko pon macam tadak bag'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'ko ke bangang?'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'lagi sial'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'cakap putar belit'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'bila aku cakap bangang butuh?'
808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1071/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'masa aku mintak .. tak tanya pon ada bag ke tak'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'aku tak taip pon bangang tadi babi'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'aku nak test sword time gambit ade'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 3 gets a bread from a furball.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'heh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > tell Person 1 nanti komplen kat god senang jer
Person 1 says, 'kalau tak aku tak mintak la'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > You tell Person 1, 'nanti komplen kat god senang jer'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
The Town Crier has arrived from below.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'macam tak biasa'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 says, 'lancau sungguh'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'dulu pon dah buat'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'ko la lancau'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > tell Person 1 biar dia rasaYou tell Person 1, 'biar dia rasa'
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 1 tells you, 'aah'
Person 4 pats Person 3 on his head.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
The cityguard has arrived from below.
The Town Crier leaves down.
808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V >
Person 2 says, 'sword free pon nak berkira'
d808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 231/231V > The Entrance To The Falling Eagle Inn
You are standing in the entrance hall of the Falling Eagle Inn. The hall
has been wisely decorated with simple, functional furniture. The heavy smell
of dust and aging paper drifts in from the Post Office to the north. A small
staircase leads up to the reception and the bar is to the east.
[ Exits: n e w u ]
The Town Crier is here, weeping quietly.
A knight of the realm is standing here watching for signs of trouble.
808/808H 1076/1076M 230/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 230/231V >
Person 1 tells you, 'gambit tu main dulu'
808/808H 1076/1076M 230/231V > 808/808H 1076/1076M 230/231V >
the juggler has arrived from the west.
The knight leaves west.
808/808H 1076/1076M 230/231V > wGerzan Road
You are standing on the Gerzan road. Huge marble steps lead up to the
fountain square. The entrance to the Clerics' Guild is to the west, and the
Falling Eagle Inn, is to the east. Just south of here you see the market
square, the center of New Tarsis.
[ Exits: n e s w ]
A knight of the realm is standing here watching for signs of trouble.
808/808H 1076/1076M 229/231V > nFountain Square Of New Tarsis
You are standing in the Fountain Square. A large group of townfolk
are gathered here, some talking and socializing, some performers of the
arts, others vendors. To the west is a reading room. The
Gerzan Road extends to the north and south.
A small sign is planted in the ground here.
A large guild post with a map is here.
[ Exits: n s w u ]
A large fountain carved from blue-streaked marble is here, bubbling merrily.
A knight of the realm is standing here watching for signs of trouble.
808/808H 1076/1076M 228/231V > uAcademy Of Learning
You are standing outside a very large stone building. By looking
at this building, you can tell it has been well kept. Hey... A edumacation
couldn't do me no harm you figure. Make sure you read ALL signs, you find it
more help than hurt.
[ Exits: s d ]
( 3) A thin choke wire lies here.
A wooden key has been left here.
808/808H 1076/1076M 227/231V > cast 'sum' person 4Okay.
Person 4 arrives suddenly.
808/808H 1016/1076M 227/231V > say jom levelYou say, 'jom level'
808/808H 1016/1076M 227/231V >
Posted by
4:51 AM
Labels: Jokes
Siapa paling POWER antara kalian? (Part 1)
Aku suka save chat aku especially bila ada isu/masalah (YM/Sametime), mana laa tau satu hari nanti leh jadi bukti... so jejaga laa korang2 yang rasa nak menipu aku guna chatting nie.. Hahaha!! Power Ranger kot...
depan abg hadi cakap a-z menyampah itu laa ini laa...
5:49:43 PM
tapi belakang mamat tu terus kipas tak ingat.. apa takde prinsip ke?
5:49:54 PM
hehe...ntahla...kot masing2 ade kepentingan masing2....
5:50:09 PM
isk... kepentingan tu memang laa abg hadi paham...
5:50:18 PM
sapa takde kepetingan ngan kawan2?
5:50:29 PM
tp obvious jugaklaa cmtuh...kalo bab mamat tu je...sumer mcm tunduk jer...naper ekk? power sgt kt dier?
ps: Tengah korek mana2 lagi yang aku dah save...
Posted by
4:26 AM
Labels: Jokes