Why so fast one?
Yeah I'm back.. So fast orr.. 3 days flying without me even noticing it... So many things to blog about.. So many things happen in 3 days.. so much money saved, so much money spent ahhahahaha....
I'll try my best to describe my trip to Langkawi as simple as I could. First, This is my anniversary present!!! I got it a week before our anniversary, and the ring is (err.. not sure what the exact word is.. written??) Adi 2107 Ina. 2107 is our anniversary date!!b Love it love it love it!! I never took it off even when I'm snorkeling..So here I am, at the LCCT terminal... with my husband, at the Coffee Bean. We reached there around 10am, and the flight is at 11.50 am. So I just though yeah.. WTH, still early.. lets update blog...
Oh I'm so excited!! Already busy snapping picture and explain to my hubby what our plan is. Well, He's a bit angry because I want to take up snorkeling that cost us RM295 per person, and I was explaining to him that we had to make our trip memorable with doing something special, like snorkeling.. there... you guys got my point rite?
Then he came out with one killer sentence, 'why, going to Langkawi with me on our anniversary day is not special enough meh??!!'
Aiyark.. how do one reply to a statement like that one???
Argue and argue and argue later, its already 11.20am.. shit we haven't check in yet.. damn.. damn..damn.. shit..shit..shit.. we missed the flight!!!!!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hubby just laugh and I BLAMED MYSELF FOR NOT CHECKING IN!!!!!!! My hubby also blamed me in secret, i know it, but he never tell.. he sure blame me one.. I'm the one who busy blogging!! ( at the end, that blog entry that I missed the flight for, wasn't even saved and can't be published!)
Well, we take the next flight to Langkawi, and the bloody flight that suppose to depart at 12.05 got nerve to delay until 12.55. What the fark???!! The flight actually cost us another RM600. And of course, I do what I do best when I'm stressed, I cried.. I cried and I sob and a few tears away, hubby promised to go snorkeling just to make me happy!!! Ahahahaha.. he did make me smile though.. I swear if its not for my hubby, I would cry until end of the trip..
Ok, enough of departing the big mighty city to small pretty town.. I'll update some picture and,, jeng jeng jeng.. some baby shark video later.. stay tuned.. ahhahaha..
PS : Sab and KC, thanks for reading my blog, I'll make a special blog entry for your guys later ok? (once i got material laa..)
Hurm dah blk dr langkawi eh. aper terlepas flight. uish perkara yg plg aku elakkan tuh hehe. ari tuh pi check in kaunter lum bukak kami dah beratur situ haha
pi naik kabel car x ina. best kan.
weih update la pic kenduri bob. yg kat pennag aku x tgk lg bj pengantinnya hehe
aiyoh, can like dat miss flight one huh?? terrible terrible !! :)
peppersalt : ahhaahah.. very dumb of me right :))
ako pun baca gak blog hang weh
takde nak buat entry dedicated kat ako gak ke :P
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