A sip of war taste

Anyway in the pic is me. Dilla, Mel and Yani.. Which one is which, you take a wild guess (don't anyone dare to guess which one is me by pointing out who's the biggest okay? I'm talking about the other three!!)

There's no words to describe you..
Posted by
11:49 PM
Labels: Paintball
1999 was the year.It's been so long since I knew you. At first, you're just another guy from which ever part of the world, that won't look into my eyes at all. Well, I could understand why. I'm just a newbie at that time, and you are one of the notorious warrior. And then you became a thief, while I from someone who believes in magic changes my path to healing.
Did you ever gave me any chance? Not at all. Not even when you know my reputation is growing. Not even when you know that I am the only female in that dark world, and everybody is paying attention to me.
2001 was the year. Then we crossed path. We both decided to returned to reality. And we met. We both at the arms of other people. You look good in her arms, and you definitely glowing with happiness. How I envy that. And my arms also link with another guy. He doesn't know anything about our dark world. Its getting harder and harder....
And I fall into the darkest pit. The most dirty, smelly darkest pit I ever fall off. Then I saw you there. You also fell? But you climbed up very quickly, and you recovered. But not me. I'm falling deeper and deeper and getting nowhere in this reality world. I tried escaping through the dark world, but it all seems meaningless...
Your arms are free. Then you helped me. You, the one who is most sought after, is lending your arms to me. You helped me out from that dark pit. You set my path straight, and clear the obstacle for me. you were at the front, fighting my war for me. How I valued you, looking at you as my knight with shining armor..
2003 was the year. I am inseparable from you. All I can see is you. All I ever think of is you. I cornered you, yanked away your freedom, and cling ed myself to you. I know you couldn't breath, I know you feel trapped, but how could you feel trapped with me? You, who helped me though my day, who I trust my life with. Then you threw me away. I couldn't understand why. How could you push me into misery when you saved me in my own war?
I begged and I begged. And you keep on asking me to look at the point. What point? The point where I'm about to destroy myself? After eternity, then only I get it. I could live without you. I could make it on my own. But you made me complete. I don't have to cling ed myself at you, I can do my own thing. I survived all these while, what makes me weak?
I understood then. You, as a well known fighter, wants me to fight. Wants me to stand on my own 2 feet. Wants me not to rely on people around so much, as they could hurt you. Wants me to know how to clear my own path, and walk straight without his direction.
2006 was the year. We joined as one. You, again became inseparable from me. But, so do you from me. All we can see is each other. And you make me the happiest woman alive. You, who loves me for who I am. You, who teaches me valuable lesson of life. You, who brighten my day just by a touch of your skin.
2007 is the year.I can see your face lit by morning sun. I can see you closing your eyes every night. I can see you when you sad, my heart would shatter into pieces. When you laugh, I will smile for days, thinking about your life. I still love you , as much as I loved you before, probably more. I pray for your life, so I can live my day happily as I am now.
Though we're getting older, but I really hope that we have a long journey ahead of us. I would want to go to that journey with you by my side. Lets grow old together. Lets live together.
I love you more as you age more. I love you hubby, and always will. Happy birthday.
Posted by
4:00 PM
Labels: Myself
I seriously have no idea what to put for my title so here it goes. Got nothing to do with what I'm about to say now.
Here goes. I have no patience for life. I really have no patience for other people as well. How I survived in customer service line for this long also I don't know. I seriously very inpatience person. I can just go nuts over simple smal thing as in rice... over some uncook rice I cried my heart out of ,anger and despair. Believe it? You better!!
I see my mum as my idol. I really do. But I can't see myself to be as patient as she is. I have never seen her goes berserk to my dear dad as I did to my husband. I have never seen her voice out her objection angrily as I always did to my husband. the only time I saw her went berserk is when the trial time on our family. By that I mean when I was a rebel teenager back then. I was impossible to handle.. Well I'm almost impossible to handle even now according to my husband... (sorry dear for that, I am stubborn yes I know).
My mum has gone though a lot with me. I mean, I made a lot of things that broke her heart and she still loves me anyway. I have done the unthinkable to them, and made my mum cried almost every night. I still felt sorry for that. And for that, I've been trying my best to make her the happiest mum in the world. And I want my dad to know that I've changed, if not a lot. I want them to be proud of what I am now. Although I' a college dropout, I'm still doing fine. And I'm working with the largest bank on earth. I hope they're proud!!
But what I need THE MOST now is patience. I know that I should snapped on my hubby, but I did, and I did almost everyday. I could tell you that most of our argument is because neither of us is being patient with each other. Neither one of is willing to back off when it comes to argument. I guess when we're married, we expect the best from our soulmate, but since no one is perfect, we're not getting what we were hoping for.
Well,I know that I need that patience more than anything else now. I'm just so tired of getting caught in a middle of nasty argument by not being patient. I love my hubby dearly, but I just can't get my head straight when I'm arguing something.
Hmmm... there's an interesting argument going on in the office right now. So I'm signing off rite now, will continue later okay..
Posted by
5:07 PM
Labels: Myself
What a busy day. What a tiring, busy day. What a tiring yet exciting, busy day. Today is the first day of my darling's paintball tournament. I've been there yes, but I'm in the office currently because..hmmmm...... welll..... you know why.......... I HAVE TO WORK!!!!
But I can see him being happy.. yes he is extremely happy. I was there until his second game, and there's 2 more games to go. First game is the easiest. Because the opposite team decided that they're too chicken to fight my mighty hubby and just didn't turn up for the game.. ehhehehe.. yes my hubby is a mighty hubby... ehehhehehe...
The second game is quite good, and off course, being mighty as he is, they won!!!! Although 2 of his team member got their marker jammed, but they won alright. And he was so ecstatic that he won!! Well, I would be too if I were him.. It is a good game ok... hiding behind bunkers and get to shoot people and hide some more... ahahahhahaha..
Surprisingly, there are a lot of girls player. And guess what, a bunch of stewardess from God knows which airlines are in division 2!! And my mighty hubby is in division 4 only.. hmmm... I guess then from now on I would refer to them as mighty stewardess.. And they are hot I tell you hot!!! Holding a marker and shooting at men.. and then they can pose and smile cutely... ehehehhehe...
I'll end this entry now because I beginning to sound like a lesbian.. Anyway, those mighty stewardess they for sure can play a very good game, or else they won't be in Division 2. Almost amateur i guess.. go mighty stewardess go!!!
Posted by
11:19 AM
Labels: Paintball
I am so freaking jealous with most of my friends. OK I admit that I am insanely jealous with those who have babies doesn't matter my friends or not!!! I am so into babies.. that I dream of having one almost every month..OK OK every week!!!!
What am I supposed to say? I love baby, I really want at least one.. but we haven't have any.. not because we don't want to.. but that thing just won't stick around.. I hate to answer those bloody question of when? Am I planning? Dammit I just hate that stupid question!!
To a less depressing topic, I FINALLY GOT MY ACCREDITATION SCHEME!! Woo Hoooo!!!! Extra money for extra lavish lifestyle ahahahhahahaha.... what lavish also I dunno..
Birthday gone, doesn't even feel like celebrating it.. gloomy birthday except when hubby throws a surpise small birthday party that attended by 99% of HIS friends... ahhahaha.. ehh wait.. is it my birtday party or his.. ohh.. mine.. the cake says my name... ahahhahaha... Thanks Sab for being there..
What else.. ohh.. I really wanted to upload some pics from last raya, but they're uploading it real slow so I got fed up so I decided will upload it later. (which might mean never in my terms ehehhe). Anyway, I enjoy this year of raya sooo much because I get to go back to my hometown. My hubby really really can't cope with village celebration that is so quiet yet so 'meriah'. That's ok, he will learn in years to come I hope..
What I love most is the busy preparation. We're in the kitchen all day long, which I don't get to feel last year because my in law's family celebrate it differently... I don't get to eat my favorite food last year, so this year... hmmm.. need I say more? ehehehhee..
Well, I'm sure that I'll miss it next year... ohhh great tasty delicious food... I'll see you two years from now!!
Anyway, I running out of word now. And I am getting extremely bitter because my extremely busy husband is so damn busy that I unable to see or even speak to him for 48 hrs now. So I'm just going to sleep now, alone. So people stop asking me why I'm not pregnant yet.
Posted by
10:56 PM
Labels: Myself
Astro now has KBSW channel.. I have no freaking idea what it stands for but it is a Korean Channel!!!!!! Now I can watch Korean dramas all I want!!! I'm soooooo happy!!!
I dunno when did they add this new channel but to Astro, THANK YOU!!
Trying my best to update tis blog after months of keeping quiet. Seems like I am running out of words to say. Celebrating Raya in a very familiar yet different way. I'm so happy....
And yes.. Selamat Hari Raya dan Maaf Zahir Batin.
I'll try to update more after this...
Posted by
1:55 AM
Labels: Myself
What if your heart is broken so bad that you thought that your heart will never be the same again? Would you blame the person or the incident that did that to you? Or yourself for allowing it to happened to you? Will you be sad or angry? Will you mend your heart by crying and praying or broke people heart to make you feel better?
You see.. these are choices that we have in our life. Either to make yourself a better person or worse when facing a disaster of your life. Some people choose to guard themselves so they will never be hurt again, some people choose not to change anything because the experience worth all the hurting. Who are we to tell which one is right or wrong?
Maybe, just maybe... GOD destined us for better future. That's why he make this disaster happened. Maybe if this isn't happening, we could be worse. I'm sure there's a silver lining in every cloud. This is my choice of handling my sadness. If I'm ever frustrated over anything, I'll promise myself to remember this. I will no resort to blaming others, or even the situation. I'll not blame myself either. I hope I'll be a better person.
I'm ultimately sure that if God wants me to be a mother, I'll be. Maybe not now, but I will. God will let us be. I'll just need to make sure that I'm a better person so that I'll be a better mother than I will now. I'll take this as a test for me. Thank you God for at least giving me the opportunity of hoping.
PS :- This doesn't mean that I miscarried or anything. Simply because I have to wait for another month for trying.
Posted by
5:21 PM
Labels: Myself
Correct me if I'm wrong but the losing of Nurin Jazlin is the parents fault. I'm being very bold here, but not without my deepest sympathy, but an eight years old child shouldn't be going to night market alone. That is definitely not a place for a child, no matter how safe you think the place is... To thought that the parents would learned something from a missing child case at SOGO a few months back..
Correct me if I'm wrong but a little girl alone is like a magnet to pedophiles. In places of people don't really pay attention of one another except selling and buying and chit chatting, its a heaven to them. No one would notice anything, who would have cared of a little girl crying at the arm of a man, the would have thought that the girl was denied a candy or something.
Correct me if I'm wrong but a child shouldn't go anywhere alone. It us who suppose to bring them. We are the caretakers, so we care for them, and take them to places they want to go. Although the place is very near, and the people are just your neighbors, but you have to know this. Murderers or a criminals or a pedophiles ARE someone's neighbor. You could never know anything like this would happened.
Correct me if I'm wrong but a sick child shouldn't be going anywhere alone. What if she falls into drain and so helpless to ask for help? Can you imagine a sick child in the drain, unconscious, and the clock is ticking before she lost her life... what if anything happens and she needs her medication straight away? Who would have the medicine if not for people who cares for her...
Please learn from mistakes.. I'm so devastated to see this happening in Malaysia again and again.. Use some brain please... There's nothing wrong of being a little bit paranoid, its your child safety for god's sake, you don't gamble with that!! I'm so sorry if I sound crude or in anyway this post might hurt anyone's feeling, but someone has to say something over this.
Please don't rely on government to teach you every single thing. Do you really have to told to hold your child's hand while crossing? WHO in their right mind would let a child cross the road by themselves? These little are important. Might seems petty and troublesome, but these are the things that can make you sleep well at night. Same as not letting your child out of supervision. Its called common sense!! But then again.. maybe common sense is not common at all....
I imagine the worst could happen when we ignore little thing like this. I pray that Nurin will be home safely soon. No child should pay for parents mistake. She shouldn't suffer like this so that parents in Malaysia would learn how to take care of their child. I hope when I have a child, I would pay attention to these little details. I hope that everyone would.
Until next disaster, I'm reporting sadly from my bedroom....
Posted by
7:00 AM
Today I'm gonna be a bit serious. I know that I got 2 post pending, but I don't feel like blogging about it at all. Lets talk about the most popular topic today.. Maybe not anymore since weeks has passed I know...
Posted by
10:53 AM
I just came back from my parents house, right after watching Cinta Mat Rempit. Its like a family tradition, to watch Cerekarama every Saturday night at 10pm, TV3. But the movie sucks. Although I love the lead actor so much because of his previous drama, but this drama sucks. Its like lame version of A Walk to Remember.. What laa.. want to tiru pun at least make is good can or not? Spoiled the movie jer..
On other taught, I have so many things to update, especially the latest Royal London Circus. Got a few movie clip to show, but then again, still not sure how to upload. The truth is, I don't even find a way yet. Lazy la nowadays..
Other taught again, I will be on leave for almost a week. Heaven...
Posted by
2:17 AM
Labels: Myself
Hello again.. well... seems like everybody that owns blog or read blogs talking about xiaxue vs steven lim. The prettiest Singapore girl vs the most handsome Singapore man. So they claimed. Interesting. One thing for sure, Steven Lim is a retard. I'm glad I didn't have actual friend like him. Thank GOD. And XiaXue, she's perfect for Steven Lim. You'll agree with me!!
Ok. Back to main story. Our trip to Langkawi. Its ok if you feel bored or thinks that I only talk about Langkawi recently, I really don't mind. Ehehehhehe.. still all tanned (actually almost black) from the trip, so I'm still gonna talk about it.
We touched Langkawi about 2PM, and its time to rent a car and booked a snorkeling package. Those 2 cost us RM 520. An old Nissan Sentra and snorkeling package for two. Interesting right? Because at first I though snorkeling itself gonna cost us RN290 per head. Well, we get lucky I guess.
Posted by
4:36 PM
Labels: Vacation
They all got accreditation scheme. An allowance of $83 or $95. If for me, I'll get $95. But guess what, I didn't get, at all!! There, I said it. I don't get a cent!! Why everyone is making a big fuss over it? You guys get, good for you, those who didn't get, don't pull me along with your rebellious scheme. I just don't farking care!!!
I'm hurt ok? I really thought that I got. I even manage to get compliment. Then what the hell did I do wrong? Everyone is pouring their heart out to me.. not satisfied this fella got, this fella don't have, management biased, boyfriend manager get extra attention...
Guess what??!! Life is unfair ok? And we still have to go through it every single farking day!! Just suck up your damn bloody mood, and move on!!
Who am I suppose to pour my heart to? Every single farking people tell me how upet they are.. hello!!! I'm upset too ok? I ALSO DIDN'T GET IT!!!!!! Why the fark do you guys think that I'll comfort you??!!!
I weren't this upset this morning.. but since everyone is assuming that I'm absolutely ok with not getting almost RM100 which I'm suppose to get, all pouring their heart out to me.. I'm getting depressed....
Posted by
1:49 PM
Labels: Myself
Yeah I'm back.. So fast orr.. 3 days flying without me even noticing it... So many things to blog about.. So many things happen in 3 days.. so much money saved, so much money spent ahhahahaha....
I'll try my best to describe my trip to Langkawi as simple as I could. First, This is my anniversary present!!! I got it a week before our anniversary, and the ring is (err.. not sure what the exact word is.. written??) Adi 2107 Ina. 2107 is our anniversary date!!b Love it love it love it!! I never took it off even when I'm snorkeling..So here I am, at the LCCT terminal... with my husband, at the Coffee Bean. We reached there around 10am, and the flight is at 11.50 am. So I just though yeah.. WTH, still early.. lets update blog...
Posted by
11:57 AM
Labels: Vacation
I know I should have posted some picture that I got in Penang, but since I was using my hubby phone camera, (I don't really have an option do I?) i just have to wait for him to upload the picture first...
So here I am. updating my blog where no one read (except me) and telling my story like anyone cares ahahahhaha.. My plan for today is to wash all the clothes 1st, play game a little bit, then dry the clothes and start the 2nd batch, play game some more, then dry again, play game again, then clean up living room, rest a bit, then clean up kitchen, watch tv, finally clean up bedroom, then start packing.
Trying to book a restaurant in Langkawi for our Anniversary dinner. There's one pretty place called Restoran Kelong Seri Melayu which is so pretty, but it was closed already. I tried Restoran Sangkar Ikan, calling them proved to be difficult.
RSI : yes??
Me : (Where's the introduction? Am I calling the right place?)Restoran Sangkar Ikan?
RSI : (Are you freaking idiot??!!) Yes....
Me : Saya nak buat tempahan untuk esok..
RSI : Wait wait...(passed the phone to someone else..) YES??!!
Me : (Slightly irritated) I want to do reservation.
RSI: Yes yes yes!! Cannnnn.. How many of you?
Me : 2 of us.
RSI : What time?
Me : 8 o'clock.
RSI : Ha ok ok 8 o clock aa. what's ur name?
Me : Zuhrina. Wait. Can you make it special because this is my anniversary dinner.
RSI : Special? Can.. What special you want? Prawn got, squid got, fish got? What you want?
Me : Errr.. Prawns... but wait, that is not what I mean. I mean the table, not the food!!
RSI : (Confused) What table?
Me : The table la. Where I'm suppose to eat? Can you like place us where we can see the sea and put some flowers on the table?
RSI : Flowers? We don't sell flowers la .. Seafood only.. ehhh.. wait wait wait.. ok I got one flower.. Ok can can.. sure..
Me : (more confused than ever) Haaa? Ok la.. Nevermind the flower ok? We'll just have oour dinner there.. ok..
RSI : Ha ok ok.. can can.. bye (and hang up on me)
What in the world just happen? Did I really make a reservation there? Is it really gonna be a special anniversary dinner? I seriously doubt that.. Never mind. Worse come to worst I'll just have our special dinner at the Hotel's restaurant. THEY should be able to arrange something special right?
We're going to stay at Kampung Tok Senik Resort. I know this anniversary trip is going to be a blast!!!
Posted by
2:50 PM
Labels: Vacation
I'm going to Penang!! Yeay!!!! So so so excited!!!! I'm going to Penang!! I'm gonna eat nasik kandar!! I'm gonna layan char koey teow!!! I'm gonna go back to the place I used to hang out last time!!
I have good memory in Penang. In Penang, I learn true love. In Penang, I learn true nasik kandar. I learn true friendship. I learn hardship. Yes, Penang taught me a lot of thing. In Penang I met my first true love. Yes he's from Penang. Old story blah blah blah..
Anyway, back to happy thought!! My friend Raad promise to bring us to Nasi Kandar Line Clear once we reach there. Ohh I've heard good stuff about that place.. Hell yeah.. they even make it to Majalah 3!! I really really really can't wait!!
Unfortunately we can't stay long. We have to go back to KL after the wedding ceremony. Oh yeah.. the main reason we're going there is to attend a wedding. I'll upload some picture once we get back!!
One more happy thought!! I already get my anniversary gift!! Can't tell you for now but one thing for sure, the thought, takes my breath away.. I could never thought that he can give me such a thoughtful present, but he did, and i love him dearly for that. Not for the price of the present, but for giving me such a memorable present!! I'll love you till death do us part! Okay... so now.. just wait for me to update more okay?
For now, Penang wait for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
8:54 PM
Labels: Vacation
I am absolutely, definitely damn bloody angry today.. I was so hoping that my day is gonna be perfect.. Woke up right on time.. every single thing so perfect this morning. Until I heard a song.. you're having bad day by dunno who...
Then my bad day started.. 1st, I was queuing for the Putrajaya toll, thinking that I'm gonna be at least 15 minutes early that usual, at the same time wondering why the hell got so many car at 10 o'clock in the morning??!!
Then I got my answer.. Its a bloody traffic jammed!!!!!!!!! I have been having a blissful day for all this while, thinking all this long that as long as I'm working in Cyberjaya, there's no bloody way I'm gonna face traffic jammed. Well, I was wrong today. The cars are not moving at all for almost 10 minutes. Must be pretty bad accident then.. So okay.. I just call office and let them know that I might be late.. heh... so much for reaching office early today..
Then almost half an hour passed, and I'm not even close to Cyberjaya exit. I'm getting pissed at that time. Well hello.. even no matter how bad the accident is, do you really have to watch aa? Just drive your damn car faster if you're not helping!!! Nak ambik nombor ke????
As I was busy looking around, the car in front of me moves a few inches. Since its still jammed ahead, I don't even bother to move, alah a few inches only.. any car also cannot squeeze in lah. Some jammed, ppl also don't bother changing lane what. Then the bloody stupid car behind me have the nerve to honk me!! Stupid ass, you think what? Drive Gen 2 so big already meh???!! There's a fucked up jammed in front and you still honked me? Hello???!! Gotta pee so bad issit? Going to London issit? If I move also you cant get to London quickly what!! Jammed la idiot!!! You honked me for what???!!!!! Stupid hairy ass!!!
Then I can see what is the cause of traffic jammed. ITS A BLOODY ROAD BLOCK!!!! Who the hell blocked the road until jammed so bad one? And they don't even bother looking at the cars passed by!! Just close 3 out of 4 lanes, let all the cars squeeze into one lane, then just let the car passed by like that... Hello??!!! Don't want to look then don't block the fucking road can or not!!!!! Another case of stupidity... heih.. bodoh nak mampus!!!
Then finally I reached office after officially half an hour late. Then I answer my first call..
ME : Welcome to................ ...... How can I help you today?
CUST : Hello??!!! Why charge me interest? I pay full bal ok!!
ME : LAright ma'am, let me check for you, card number please?
CUST : xxxx xxxx xxxx
after verification..
ME : Ma'am you didn't pay full balance, you only pay more that your minimum payment.
CUST: No. I pay more that my full balance, I shouldn't be overlimit!!!
ME : Ma'am, the amount that you pay is slightly more that your minimum payment. Your full balance is AUD2500.00. That's why you've been charged interest. If you don't want to be charged again, you've got to pay full balance every month..
CUST: Well I don't have 2 grand, that's why I use your credit cards!!!!
ME : .............................................
Aiyohh.. this type of customer also got aa.. you use you have to pay la idiot!! Some more act like the money she spent is her money.. hello!!! Credit card la woi!! Not debit card!!
I honestly don't think that Malaysian are not educated in using credit cards as our government kecoh all this while.. I think this ang moh is in serious need of help.. I met a lot of Aussie's who don't even know what payment due date is!! Malaysians.. be proud.. we definitely more clever that some other ang moh out there.. believe it or not?
Anyway.. this is just some emotional rant because I'm having such a bad morning.. the rest of the day is okay la actually...
Posted by
12:06 AM
Labels: Myself
Have you ever feel like treating your mum extra special on her birthday? I did. I was thinking, I'm 26, been working for a few years already, and I'm already married. What the heck, sure I can treat my family to somewhere extra nice.. So we decided to go to this place.. in Alamanda Putrajaya..
Posted by
4:58 PM
Labels: Reviews
I've grew up with Transformers. I remember fighting with my big brother over a simple truck, pretending it was Optimus Prime. When the movie started, I can hear Optimus Prime's voice, and I can't believe it but I was so excited!! It was like transfered to that time, younger, happier time again...
I was so in love with the captain. He is one hot dude man!!!!!
And the chick.. wow.. I got a friends drooling over this pic..
I'm talking about a non-stop action packed movie. From the beginning of the movie till the end of it, my heart's beating rate couldn't be more faster than running 10 km. Wow!!
And tell me who don't like to have a car/robots like this...
So to those who haven't watch the movie, don't waste time and go today!! If happens to be that they're running out of the ticket for the day, straight away purchase a ticket for tomorrow!! That way tomorrow you don't have to queue again :)
Enjoy the movie!!!!
Updated 09/07/2007 15:21 PM :- Just realized that Velan answers Raad's call by singing the Transformer's theme song!!! Ahahahahahha.. Indian version by the look of it.. anyway.. do you know how the theme song sounds like when it was whispered? Ahahahahahha.. you guys spoilt it!
Posted by
11:35 PM
Labels: Reviews
What can one say about oneself?
This is where I hope I can record the events of my life, happy or not, glorious or not, funny or not. Don't mean to publish the private life of myself, just hoping that one day I could open this blog and say that I've been there, done that!!
I'm female, 26 and married. Currently working with a bank, not such a high-paid job, more like a kuli. I am currently in KL, living with my husband, just the two of us.
I am not a great writer though, but I do have some opinion on my own.Trying my best to be a better person, but keep on doing the same mistake :)
I am very talkative if you get to know me..
Posted by
10:31 PM
Labels: Myself