Thursday, July 12, 2007

Emo rant!!

I am absolutely, definitely damn bloody angry today.. I was so hoping that my day is gonna be perfect.. Woke up right on time.. every single thing so perfect this morning. Until I heard a song.. you're having bad day by dunno who...
Then my bad day started.. 1st, I was queuing for the Putrajaya toll, thinking that I'm gonna be at least 15 minutes early that usual, at the same time wondering why the hell got so many car at 10 o'clock in the morning??!!
Then I got my answer.. Its a bloody traffic jammed!!!!!!!!! I have been having a blissful day for all this while, thinking all this long that as long as I'm working in Cyberjaya, there's no bloody way I'm gonna face traffic jammed. Well, I was wrong today. The cars are not moving at all for almost 10 minutes. Must be pretty bad accident then.. So okay.. I just call office and let them know that I might be late.. heh... so much for reaching office early today..
Then almost half an hour passed, and I'm not even close to Cyberjaya exit. I'm getting pissed at that time. Well hello.. even no matter how bad the accident is, do you really have to watch aa? Just drive your damn car faster if you're not helping!!!
Nak ambik nombor ke????
As I was busy looking around, the car in front of me moves a few inches. Since its still jammed ahead, I don't even bother to move,
alah a few inches only.. any car also cannot squeeze in lah. Some jammed, ppl also don't bother changing lane what. Then the bloody stupid car behind me have the nerve to honk me!! Stupid ass, you think what? Drive Gen 2 so big already meh???!! There's a fucked up jammed in front and you still honked me? Hello???!! Gotta pee so bad issit? Going to London issit? If I move also you cant get to London quickly what!! Jammed la idiot!!! You honked me for what???!!!!! Stupid hairy ass!!!
Then I can see what is the cause of traffic jammed. ITS A BLOODY ROAD BLOCK!!!! Who the hell blocked the road until jammed so bad one? And they don't even bother looking at the cars passed by!! Just close 3 out of 4 lanes, let all the cars squeeze into one lane, then just let the car passed by like that... Hello??!!! Don't want to look then don't block the fucking road can or not!!!!! Another case of stupidity...
heih.. bodoh nak mampus!!!

Then finally I reached office after officially half an hour late. Then I answer my first call..

ME : Welcome to................ ...... How can I help you today?
CUST : Hello??!!! Why charge me interest? I pay full bal ok!!
ME : LAright ma'am, let me check for you, card number please?
CUST : xxxx xxxx xxxx

after verification..

ME : Ma'am you didn't pay full balance, you only pay more that your minimum payment.
CUST: No. I pay more that my full balance, I shouldn't be overlimit!!!
ME : Ma'am, the amount that you pay is slightly more that your minimum payment. Your full balance is AUD2500.00. That's why you've been charged interest. If you don't want to be charged again, you've got to pay full balance every month..
CUST: Well I don't have 2 grand, that's why I use your credit cards!!!!
ME : .............................................

Aiyohh.. this type of customer also got aa.. you use you have to pay la idiot!! Some more act like the money she spent is her money.. hello!!! Credit card la woi!! Not debit card!!

I honestly don't think that Malaysian are not educated in using credit cards as our government
kecoh all this while.. I think this ang moh is in serious need of help.. I met a lot of Aussie's who don't even know what payment due date is!! Malaysians.. be proud.. we definitely more clever that some other ang moh out there.. believe it or not?

Anyway.. this is just some emotional rant because I'm having such a bad morning.. the rest of the day is okay
la actually...

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